The Face of Quilting

We Are The Face of Quilting

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that non-quilters can’t help but generalizing about who quilters are.

I think I’ve read one article too many that puts quilters exclusively in the “50 plus” or in the “retirement home”  and maybe, just maybe, had one too many people mention that I’m too young to be a quilter, or, another favorite, that quilting is “a dying art.”

Not in my world, bucko.

My mother quilts, her mother quilted, my dad’s mother quilts. My great-grandmothers quilted. I have friends, young and young-at-heart, from every demographic and from different geographical locations around the world that all identify themselves as quilters.

So why the pigeon-holing? Does the non-quilty world really think that only one type of person is a quilter and that quilting is really, truly dying?


My name is Jennifer.

I am 38 years old and I am a quilter.

I have been sewing and crafting my entire life. I learned to use a needle and thread when I was a child. Craftiness of all kinds carried over into my adulthood, and by my late twenties, I was quilting.

I would like to challenge you, my quilting friends, to show your face.

We Are The Face of Quilting.

We are all ages and  come from all socio-economic groups, religious backgrounds and political demographics. We live in all countries of the world and we are connected by quilting. It brings us together and gives us common ground. These are our faces.

Take this message, We Are The Face of Quilting, and write about being a quilter. Share it on your blog. Add your photo to our flickr group and tell the world: I am a quilter.

We Are The Face of Quilting

Grab this to share on your blog:

<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" width="240" height="240" alt="We Are The Face of Quilting"></a>

Use it anywhere you share your quilting story. I’ve set comments for this post to allow trackbacks and pingbacks, which simply means that if you link to this post, it will show up in the comments. It’s a great way to meet new quilting friends.

What will I get from this? Nothing other than the satisfaction of seeing your faces and the affirmation that what I believe is true: quilter’s faces are like quilts themselves. They come in all colors, styles and sizes. They are from all over the world and they are timeless.


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18 thoughts on “The Face of Quilting

  1. Terri

    Easy for you to say, my dear. You are still a very pretty woman… I’m 63 and I’m not going to show my face to the world. It’s not pretty anymore, and I don’t even like to look at it…. I won’t put others through that.

    I’ve gotten old enough, that I don’t care what “they” say. There are lots of quilters out there, and they don’t just make quilts. They make quilts for other people, for charity and good causes. The ignoramous who wrote that article, didn’t do much research. You should give him your blog address, and then he can look at each of your followers addresses and their favorite blogs, and theirs until he can’t remember his own name! (I am assuming that it was a man writing the article. Shame on me.) I’m always amazed at the numbers that have quilting blogs…. just think of the hordes that don’t have a blog, but do quilt. We do keep quilt stores in business, and Jo Ann’s, Thousands of Bolts, Hancocks of Paduca, etc. Who does all that fabric buying? Quilters!

    My daughter used to make fun of me and my “faaaabric”, until I told her the sewing was good therapy. Now, happily, she is a quilter as well. (That started when she was 36.) There are alot of potential quilters out there… they just don’t know they are quilters yet. My daugher didn’t know how to sew when she took it up. The first seams she made were handsewn and made like the overcast seams you’d find on a T-shirt. She learned…. and now she has a sewing machine! I’d venture to say that there will always be quilters! So don’t be upset or worry.

    1. ofenjen Post author

      Oh, I’m not worried, I’m just proud to be a quilter and would like to show the world all the amazing people out there that I’ve met that are also quilters!

      My mom has always had fabric, but I don’t ever remember making fun, because she would make stuff for me when I was growing up that no one else had, and I loved that! I’m glad to hear your daughter had jumped in, too. Craftiness is contagious!

      Despite what you say, I’d love to see your face…maybe just a peek?

  2. Pingback: The Face of Quilting « liljabs

  3. Webb Julia

    I’ll say it again, You are an amazing lady! This is a wonderful idea, and I’m proud to join this group of quilters. I’ve only been quilting about five years, but there were a lot of quilters in my family. I’ve proud to carry on the tradition!

  4. Joyce

    Great post, I used to feel a lot like that too. I was 37 when I made my first quilt and have been hooked for the last 21 years! My son got my old Pfaff when I bought the new one, he wanted it to make alterations but to my surprise he made me a lovely wallhanging as a thank you for the wonderful machine. He was about 32 at that time! So yes we come in all shapes and sizes and ages. Real beauty is in your spirit, I don’t worry a lot about my aging face! So will join your flickr group and add a photo. Keep on stitchin!


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