12 For 2012

12 For 2012

My UFO pile gets larger every year and I’ve decided that 2012 is the Year to Finish. I was thinking about this and trying to decide how to go about such a monumental task when my friend Kristel at WIP Girl mentioned that she wants to finish 12 projects in 12.

That lit a fire for me and I can’t thank her enough for the fantastic idea!!

The idea is this:

Choose 12 UFO projects to complete in 2012, earmarking one for each month. Number your projects so you can keep track: January will be 1/12, February 2/12, etc. My plan is to work on big projects and small projects on alternating months so I don’t get overwhelmed by how much I have to finish.

The goal is to have 12 completed projects by the end of 2012. When you finish a project, post about it anywhere else you like to share your crafty goodness, your blog, facebook, YouTube, etc.

If you don’t have 12 UFOs, then earmark any extra months for projects you’ve been wanting to start, keeping in mind that the idea is to have a finished project at the end of each month.

When you have of list of projects you are planning to tackle each month, share with your readers! I’ll be posting mine here on Sewhooked and sharing on my weekly vlog, Talk To Me Tuesday.

Feel free to use the graphics in this post and spread the word! Let’s make 2012 a year of finishing stuff!

12 for 2012 icon

I’m working on adding HTML for the graphics. WordPress.com does not support text area and just sharing the html creates errors in the code. In the meantime, you can share the graphics with direct links. I’m sorry for the extra step!

Post Link:

Large Graphic:

UDPATE: We have a flickr group!

AND a Facebook Group!

Click to see all my 12 for 2012 posts!

Add your Sewhooked-related photos to my flickr group and you might be featured in a future post.


Workshops Open January 1!

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25 thoughts on “12 For 2012

  1. Webb Julia

    Count me in too!! Sounds like a fun way to get some good work done!
    Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s my first resolution!

  2. auntypsycho

    so far I have only 5 projects I haven’t finished up this year … I do have lots of ideas for things I want to do though … maybe finish a project followed by a new one I haven’t been able to get started!!

  3. catskillquilter

    Jennifer – This is a fabulous idea! (Have you been peeking in my workroom again?) I have far too many sets of quilt blocks ready to be put into tops and then into quilts! This could certainly work…Thanks!

    1. ofenjen Post author

      I always have so many UFOs that I thought it would be much more fun to turn 2012 into a UFO-along than to work on them all alone. 😉

  4. Becky

    You are reading my mind again. This morning I went through all of my quilt stuff, put some stuff aside to go on the guild free table, and updated my UFO list. Big project of the year will be finishing my Project of Doom, because I want it in the 2013 guild show. I have several baby quilts I need to get done, so that is the only deviance from UFO’s – because part of my promise to myself is not to add any more quilting with obligations – get it done, get it gifted and make something I want to make for me! When I started quilting in 2006 (although it took me until 2007 to finish something) I didn’t realize how much work it is or how long it took, and promised a bunch of quilts. Slowly, I’m getting them done!

  5. Laura

    I was going through a pile of UFOs this morning, and feeling overwhelmed by them all. I think I’ll sign up and this might actually give me some incentive to get them all done. Committing to one a month isn’t that bad, or so it seems right now.

  6. Rosewillow

    This sounds like so much fun! I want to join you! I’ll go and make my UFO list now. Can’t wait to see what everyone else is working on, too. Thank you, Jennifer! 🙂

  7. Lais

    Thanks Jen! I have been off the sewing train and I want to jump back on board, this is going to really help! I just started my own blog this past month, so I will share what my plans are on there, thank you for the great idea and encouragement!!

  8. Melodi

    Found your group while browsing through the 12 in 2012 projects on flickr.

    This is such a great idea! The other day I was thinking of a project that I’ve been putting off. I gave myself until the first day of spring to finish it – totally doable because it really is an easy project.

    I have many other projects to complete. Count me in!

    1. ofenjen Post author

      I like taking goals in small chunks, which is what makes this idea so appealing to me. Finishing one of my own projects each month is such an appealing idea! I’m so glad you’re joining in!

  9. Jenniffier

    This sounds like fun. I think I only counted 10 – 11 projects already started, but I have a couple that have everything set up, they just aren’t done. Oh wait I just finished one, so maybe I am perfect for the 12 in 12 🙂 Are you going to being a link up, or just the flickr?


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