TTMT #769 – Quilt For Good & Travel Prep

Hello, my friends! I’m back this week with six more finished quilts, finally wrapping up the backlog of charity quilt tops sent to me by friends. I no longer accept donations personally and encourage you to find somewhere local to you for future donations. All quilts shown will be donated through Project Linus in Albuquerque during an upcoming visit with Jewells!

I also share a couple of other odds and ends, including some Cricut crafts.

♥ Jennifer O

Where did my retired patterns go? Read all about that here.

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5 thoughts on “TTMT #769 – Quilt For Good & Travel Prep

  1. playfulpiecing

    Woohoo! Whipping out all those charity quilts! I love it.
    The iron board cover is so happy. I love it.
    You definitely need a year working on your own things . Personal projects were why we started and sometimes you need some to fill you up! Can’t wait to see them get done.
    Have a fantastic trip 😉

    1. Jennifer Ofenstein Post author

      Ironically, I learned to quilt because of charity quilts. It’s high time that I work on my own things! I never minded doing charity quilting for other people, but the backlog started to overwhelm me and I am grateful that it’s done!


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