2011 Project of Doom


Chances are pretty good that, if you follow my blog, you like Harry Potter. Why? It could be because of my Harry Potter quilt, or maybe the Hogwarts-themed birthday party, my daughter’s Harry Potter bedroom or maybe the costumes or buttons, or scarves or crafts or….you get the idea.

I love Harry Potter and I love to create.

In 2011, as a Thank You to all of those members of the HP fandom that have been my cheerleaders and my friends over the years, I will be hosting The Project of Doom over on my quilting community on Livejournal, hp_paperpiecing.

The Project of Doom is a Block of the Week (BOW) Mystery Quilt to create an entire Harry Potter-themed quilt top.

We’ll be starting the week of January 12, 2011 and you’re invited, too!



6 thoughts on “2011 Project of Doom

  1. Kim Gaddy

    Hi Jennifer, It was so nice to meet you at Honey Bee the other day. I am SO IMPRESSED with your blog, your designs–and your food pictures! I can’t wait to show my family your Harry Potter quilt. All four of us are die hard Potter fans.

    I think what you’re doing is wonderful. It’s so exciting to find a vibrant, creative on-line quilting community . . .

    1. ofenjen Post author

      Hi Kim! It was lovely to meet you, too. I’m excited to hear that you love Harry Potter, too, that always makes me happy to hear!

      I love sharing and the online HP community has been amazing for that. There are so many great people connected to it and it constantly amazes me that the quilting part of the fandom started with me. 🙂


  2. Ashley

    I’m so excited to participate in the Project of Doom! Will you be introducing any new blocks, or will we be working from the patterns already available on your site?


    1. ofenjen Post author

      Thank you, I’m excited about The Project of Doom, too!

      The whole project will be new patterns, with a few old favorites incorporated into the design for this quilt.

      Thanks for asking…I can’t wait to get started!



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