Paper Piecing Art: Beginner and Beyond

STITCHED workshop - Paper Piecing Art, Beginner and Beyond

Way back in 2011, I was invited to be an instructor for STITCHED, a subscription-based online classroom community that offered workshops by experts in different craft-related areas. The entire shebang was conceived of and hosted an extraordinary artist, Alma Stoller.


My own workshop Paper Piecing Art: Beginner and Beyond, was geared to take students step-by-step through the paper piecing process.

I shared every tip and technique that I myself use when paper piecing. Now, over a year after the completion of the STITCHED 2012 Workshops, I offer my own class here, free for you.

If you’re already a paper piecer, you might pick up a trick or two; if you’re new to paper piecing or have tried before and it didn’t quite click, I hope this helps you on your paper piecing journey!

Jennifer’s Tools:

Paper Piecing Art uses Waiting for Rain, a pattern designed by myself especially for the workshop.

I'm a Craftsy Designer

You can find Waiting for Rain in my Craftsy shop for just $4.
Looking for a text-based tutorial? I have that here! Questions? Comments? I’m always happy to chat in comments!
Remember to stop back by tomorrow for the Paper Piecing Vintage February update! Have an extraordinarily happy Friday!

9 thoughts on “Paper Piecing Art: Beginner and Beyond

  1. quiltncards

    Thanks Jennifer! I enjoyed the video. You know, I’ve been paper piecing for over 5 years… I found some birds in Backyard Birds that I just had to make. It was hard to paper piece at first. Those birds have a lot of the angled 4 corner pieces that are so hard to figure out which way they will go. I wish your video had been out then. (Some pieces I worked at 10 times before I figured out how to audition.) I never did perfect your method, and never even thought to use the 1/4″ ruler. My pieces are not pretty inside. I use the scissors to trim the seam allowances, but I think now that I have seen your video I should be able to pluck up the courage to trim with the 1/4″ ruler and an old blade. Thank you for that!

    I would add that if you are adding a white to a dark fabric, cut the dark seam allowance a mite smaller (after sewing) – just one thread’s worth – will save you from having a shadow of the dark fabric showing through the white. (Learned that the hard way.)

    (Many) Thanks again!

    1. Jennifer Ofenstein Post author

      I’m thrilled to hear that you got so much out of the video! You’re absolutely right, it does help to keep an eye on those light/darks. Sometimes I will do a little post-stitching trim just to be safe. 🙂

      1. alexe Toups

        Well, I followed your link and the photos ended up with all of my family photos. Then the tree duplicate 5-6 times and I couldn’t find a way to delete them or to add to your group. So, I guess I’ll take a pass adding them to the group photos I’ll post them to my FB page to show off.

  2. Cheryl

    I posted a link back to your sewing machine pattern on my blog. I already had the block from a book, and drew up my own pp pattern for it, but, before I could get to the copy store to make copies, I found your pp pattern, and chose to do it, instead. I even used the pattern in 2 different sizes. I made 7 different things with that pattern in January. Thanks!

  3. Terri Sarcinella

    Thank you so much for the Paper Piecing Art tutorial. I have been trying to work up the courage and try paper piecing for quite awhile but have been intimidated by the total process. I followed your video as I paper pieced the first block from Paper Piecing Vintage and am totally amazed that I actually did it right. All my points are corners are where they are actually supposed to be : ) Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of your hard work. Will post a picture as soon as I can figure out how to do that phase. Thank you. Terri

    1. Jennifer Ofenstein Post author

      Hi Terri,

      You are so very welcome! I am absolutely thrilled that my tutorial helped you so much. Paper piecing is such a passion for me and I love being able to share the love. ❤


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