Garden Party Blog Hop – Day 5

Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop

Welcome to Day 5 of Sewhooked’s Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop!

I do hope you’re having as much fun with the blog hop as I am! I’ve made all the blocks so far and doing my best to keep up with each day’s pattern! So far…so fun! Be sure to check the list at the end of this post for previous posts!

New to paper piecing? Click here for help!

Today’s pattern comes to you from Megan over at Monkey Beans. It’s a perfect garden compliment for our party!

Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop - April 5

Visit Monkey Beans to learn more about this fun block and to download the free pattern!

Photos from my garden, April 2012

I’m having a drawing at the end of each week in April for a fun, new prize pack! You’ll get one entry for each Blog Hop block you make and share with our Flickr Group. Winner to be chosen in a random drawing and the winning photo will be featured right here on Sewhooked!

Garden Party Blog Hop - Week 1 Prize

Week 1 PrizeHolly Jolly pattern set and three fat quarters to get you on your way to making these fun blocks! Holly Jolly includes: Lil’ St. Nick, Santa’s Helper, Lil’ Mrs. Claus, Wonky Lil’ Christmas Tree and Wee Lil’ Penguin. Each block is 5″ finished. Please note:  Only Flickr participants are eligible for the prize (details above).

Previous Blog Hop Posts:

  1. Soma, Whims & FanciesMusic Notes
  2. Jennifer, All Things BelleSummer Sweetness
  3. Aalia, Joy of StitchesGarden Gate
  4. Schenley, Margaret’s Violet

Tomorrow…day 6!



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 Shop Sewhooked and help keep the free pattern page free!

Register Now for STITCHED and learn to paper piece with my full-length video workshop!

22 thoughts on “Garden Party Blog Hop – Day 5

  1. Anita

    I not only cannot access the block for day 5, I cannot even leave a message stating that fact!

  2. Victoria

    I am unable to sign into flicker to get the patterns. I’ve tried google, yahoo, facebook and they are all rejected. But I am able to go to google and yahoo and facebook without a problem. I WANT these patterns, they are all so wonderful. Help me, I’m an old granny who learned to type on a manual typewriter (anyone know what that is? Hint: They don’t plug in.) and this computer stuff is counter intuitive to me. Thank you for any suggestions you can give.

    1. Jennifer Ofenstein Post author

      Hi Victoria,

      You do not have to sign in to flickr to download the patterns, just to share your photos (if you choose) after you’ve completed the blocks.

      Each pattern is available by clicking the link under the photo of that block, which will take you to the blog where that pattern is featured. Each designer has a slightly different set up, but all patterns are linked somewhere on the page where their block is featured. Hint: In this post, it says “Visit Monkey Beans…” just click on that and it will take you there!

      I sure hope that helps!


      1. Victoria

        Okay, I will try again, but the links just keep going round and round and never open for me. One More Time!

      2. Victoria

        If they are on Flicker, my computer just won’t open it. Can they give me another link that I can just click, please.


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