Giraffe, Again

Giraffe, free on Craftsy!

Oh, hello Giraffe!

Mr. Giraffe wants you to know that it was his turn for an update. He was a little bit too complex before and there was just something missing for that added “cute.”

After drafting and playing with colors, I realized that extra something was French Knots. Horns, check. Eye, check. How fun!


For the most up to date version of this pattern, get it free on Craftsy!

a free 5″ paper pieced pattern

More Free Quilt Patterns


Giraffe replaces my original giraffe pattern, seen here as pieced by shaebay.

Giraffe 4 x 4

And, of course, a free pattern post would not be the same without a fun layout created EQ7! How about four giraffes and some fun sashing and cornerstones to create a unique and fun wall hanging?


In honor of my participation in the STITCHED Tutorial Blog Hop, get 15% off your TOTAL PURCHASE from the Sewhooked Shop during the month of March with coupon code MARCH15
. Not valid on etsy or craftsy.

Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop

The Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day blog hop is coming April 1, 2012! We have a full compliment of designers ready to share awesome free paper pieced patterns with you! I’ve already seen several of the blocks and they are all fantastic…just you wait!

Add your Sewhooked-related photos to my flickr group and you might be featured in a future post!



Lean to paper piece from me: Register Now for STITCHED!

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9 thoughts on “Giraffe, Again

    1. ofenjen Post author

      If you need the old pattern, I’m happy to email it to you, but it won’t be available on the website anymore. It’s kind of a mess!

  1. Carol Moler

    Mr. Giraffe is too fun. I’ve been thinking about giraffes lately since they are a favorite of my husband.
    Thank you for sharing the pattern and your gifts!

    1. ofenjen Post author

      Thanks, Carol! It’s always fun for me to go back to an older pattern and see what I can do to improve it. He sure was fun to play with!

      As always, it is my pleasure. 🙂

  2. Claire

    I’m sorry, but I printed the pattern and am confused…do all the different numbers represent a different fabric? And should I be cutting on the light gray line or the outer black line? And does this make a finished giraffe that fits in a 5″ square or should I have blown this up to make a bigger one?

  3. Greta

    Hi Jennifer~ Is there a way I can obtain permission to copy this pattern in an enlarged format? I would use it only to make a gift for my sister, who just returned from Africa and is enamored for giraffes. My eyesight isn’t quite as good as it was, and a touch of arthritis sometimes makes handling small pieces difficult. Thanks for your generosity in supplying the pattern and your consideration of my request.


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