T-Shirt Reconstruction: Reverse Applique Window

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My son got this great orange t-shirt at the science fair he participated in last year. Unfortunately, it was way too small and *gasp* not black, which is his favorite t-shirt color. We talked it through and he agreed that if it was part of a black shirt, he’d definitely wear it.

I used one of my favorite “save a t-shirt” recon techniques, a reverse applique window. It’s easy peasy and takes only about 15 minutes to complete. The sewing machine and rotary cutter are totally optional here. This recon could easily be done with just plain old scissors and a needle and thread.

T-Shirt Reconstruction: Reverse Applique Window
by Jennifer Ofenstein

2 t-shirts
straight pins
rotary cutter (optional)
sewing machine with ball point needle OR needle & thread


Slit the shirt that will be in the “window” up each side and open out.

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Using a rotary cutter and ruler OR a ruler and chalk with scissors, cut a square out of the front of the window at least 1″ larger than the image on the shirt.


Turn the intact shirt inside out. Center the square with the image on it right side down on the inside front of the intact shirt. Pin clockwise – this makes it easier to remove the pins as you stitch.

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Stitch around, removing the pins as you go so as not to stitch over them. If using a sewing machine, choose a stretch stitch.


Turn the shirt right side out. You can faintly see the stitching line here.


Draw a chalk line 1/4 – 1/2″ inside of the stitching line. This will be your cutting line.

Near one of the corners, pinch the fabric of the intact shirt away from the applique piece on the inside. Make sure you just have one layer of shirt. Cut a small hole with the scissors. Trim carefully towards the chalk line.

Cut around the chalk line and remove the center piece.


Voila! Reverse applique t-shirt!

Happy crafting!

8 thoughts on “T-Shirt Reconstruction: Reverse Applique Window

  1. Laci

    Wow this is amazing! Now I can fix the Twlight shirt Shae made me! It fits a big snugly for my taste! She did an amazing job on the shirt and I don’t want to waste a great thing! Thank you for this post!

  2. kimberly

    I LOVE this technique! I'll bet it looks great after it's been washed a few times, and it gets that nice fringed look around the edges.

    PS Um, how did I *not* know about your craft blog? That's what I get for reducing my internet play time!


      1. Sheila

        Ok – I did it to rescue a Fav Sweatshirt as you saw on my facebook – can I post a pic here??

        LOVE this !!
        Sew Happy!



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