Feeling Chicken

5 Inch Chick

Free 5″ Pecking Chick Pattern, by Jennifer Ofenstein

Several years ago, I participated in a year-long birthday quilt block swap. At the time, one of my dear friends and fellow designers, Cat Magraith, was collecting chicken-themed blocks. She was also participating in the same swap. I drafted several before deciding which blocks to share with her.

The above pattern, Pecking Chick, never made out of the sketch stage and is being posted for the very first time today! I think he’d be a sweet little chick with a French knot eye and a few seed beads at his feet for pecking!

The first two were made for the swap, and I believe I sent the egg block on to her as well. It’s one block I’m incredibly proud of. Doesn’t it just look like you’re looking in a full nest?

Chickens for hardhatcat
Cat’s Roosters, free 5″ patterns here on Sewhooked.

chick for cat
Chick for Cat, adapted from this pattern at Patch Pieces.

three eggs
Three Eggs. Free 5″ Pattern here on Sewhooked.

But wait, there’s more! I’m not the only that’s created or adapted chicken patterns. Cat has quite a few of her own, many of which are available right here on Sewhooked for free!

CAT_2 chicks_pic
2 Chicks, free 5″ pattern by Cat Magraith

CAT_Hen with chick_pic
Hen With Chick, free 5″ pattern by Cat Magraith

Rooster, free 5″ pattern by Cat Magraith

Pecking Hen, free 5″ pattern by Cat Magraith

Hen, free 5″ pattern by Cat Magraith

Get more great

free patterns right here on Sewhooked 

and on

 Fandom In Stiches 

(fandom quilt patterns by fans, for fans!).

Have a very happy, crafty, quilty Friday!

Add your Sewhooked-related photos to my flickr group and you might be featured in a future post!


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