TARDIS Treat Bag

TARDIS treat bag tutorial

Being the Doctor Who obsessed family that we have become, I suppose it’s no surprise that one of my kids is going as The Doctor for Halloween. My dear daughter has her Ten costume all ready to go, courtesy of a day of thrifting. Because I can’t not be involved in her costume making, I asked if there was anything I could do.

She said yes…

“Mum, can you can you make a TARDIS bag for my treats?”

You better believe I can!

Despite it’s awesomeness, the TARDIS Treat Bag is super simple.

You need:

  • 9″ x 12″ acrylic felt sheets – 5 dark blue, 1 white and 1 glitter black
  • scissors
  • thread (I used navy blue)
  • ruler (rotary, if you’ve got one)
  • rotary cutter (optional)
  • sewing machine (optional)

You can definitely do this project without a rotary cutter and ruler and even without a sewing machine, so those items are optional. If you do hand stitch, make sure you make tight, even stitches and use heavy-duty knots so you don’t lose your candy!

Cutting Instructions:

from 1 sheet of blue felt (the other 4 sheets of felt stay 9″ x 12″), cut:

  • 9″ x 9″ square  -bag bottom

from 1 sheet of white felt, cut:

  • 8 – 2 1/2″ x 3″  – Windows
  • 1 – 1/2 x 2″ – Notice
  • (optional) 4″ x 5″ – cell phone pocket
from 1 sheet of glitter black cut:
  • 2 – 2″ x 12″ – Handles
Note: On all acrylic pieces, 9″ is width 12″ is height, so pieces are arranged with the 9″ width being the top and bottom.

1/4″ inch seams are used throughout

Using your ruler, arrange the window pieces on the 9″ x 12″ sheets of felt so that they are 1 1/2″ in from the sides and 2″ down from the top.  For the TARDIS front, center the notice under the left window, leaving about 1/2″ in between.

Arrange window pieces on remaining three 9″ x 12″ blue felt.

Stitch windows in place, 1/4″ in from outside of white felt. The TARDIS windows have six panes. My windows are estimated, but you can measure and divide your stitching if you choose. Repeat for the two sides that are NOT the front of the TARDIS.

For the Notice on the front, sew some random stitching onto the  1 1/2″ x 2″ piece of felt (as shown). This gives the illusion of writing from a distance. Stitch on each of the four sides with a short zig-zag stitch in each corner (forgot to take a close up…look about three photos down and you can see what I mean!).

OPTIONAL – After stitching all the windows on, choose a blue side that is NOT the TARDIS front. Align the 4″ x 5″ piece of felt under the window stitching. Straight stitch on the two long sides and across the bottom, making sure to backstitch at the start and stop.

For handles – Fold in half lengthwise and zig-zag down the open side.

Your TARDIS is now ready for assembly!

Find the front (windows with notice) and back (cell phone pocket – or without if you didn’t make one) and bag bottom.  With the insides facing/right side out, place the bottom of the front piece along one side of the 9″ x 9″ bottom piece. Stitch across, leaving 1/4″ at the beginning and end of the seam unstitched (see below).

Seam allowance will be on the outside of the bag.

1/4″ unstitched on the end of the seam (both ends).

Repeat stitching for the back side, making sure the bottom of that side meets the bottom of the bag.

Sew the remaining two pieces on opposite sides, continuing to leave 1/4″ open at each end of the seam.

Find the front and the piece immediately to the left. Bring the two long sides (wrong side) together, right side out.

Stitch from corner to corner.

Repeat for the remaining three corners.

You now have a TARDIS with no handles. That’s the last bit and then you’re done!

The handles attach to the front (windows + notice) and back of the bag. Use a ruler to line up the handles 2 1/2″ in from each side of the bag, with about 2/3″ inside. Pin in place.

Starting at a corner seam, stitch all the way across the top of the bag, backstitching when you get to the handles. For added strength, continue stitching all the way around the bag, flattening out the seam allowance with your fingers before you stitch across it.

Handles…and you can see the cell phone pocket, too!

Snip above and below the top stitching to make the little notches (optional).

The TARDIS Treat Bag is easy to fold, just fold in the bottom and it will fold in on itself.

And… DONE!

TARDIS treat bag tutorial

Front detail.

Need more Doctor Who?
5" Dalek, paper pieced 20" TARDIS block TARDIS TARDIS door

More Doctor Who Quilt Patterns!

Happy crafting!


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7 thoughts on “TARDIS Treat Bag

  1. Rebecca

    Okay, I’m in a “snack” swap on craftster, and I think I might borrow your tutorial, but make the bag lunch sack size. Any advice?

    I also probably will sew it by hand….the only machine I have is that super heavy old Singer (because Tim does not understand why I need a lighter machine when I can have him get out the Singer) and I really don’t want to get it out!

    1. ofenjen Post author

      Hmmm, lunch bag size… I’d cut down the size of the main pieces and then make the bottom the same width/length as the shortest sides of the those pieces. Reduce down the window pieces a bit and “audition” them on the main pieces until you get the size you want. The instructions should work the same.

      Heh, I have a small collection of old Singers…I think they’re pretty awesome because you can quite literally sew anything on them, but I definitely understand not wanting to move a heavy machine.


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